Laser Hair Removal

Imagine if you could significantly reduce or eliminate unwanted hair. Now you can.

Laser Hair Removal has been approved by the FDA for permanent hair reduction. The technology is fast, easy and comfortable. It is also the most cost effective method available today to achieve the convenience of having permanently less hair. Laser hair removal can put an end to routine shaving and waxing leaving your skin softer and smoother than ever.

  • Unlike other forms of hair removal that can be painful and leave you with razor bumps or irritation, laser hair removal has a wide range of benefits including lasting results, smoother and less irritated skin (think no more ingrown hairs!). Laser hair removal permanently reduces hair by targeting the melanin in the hair follicle and disabling the hair from further growth. Since hair follicle growth cycles vary, some hair follicles may enter the growth cycle after your treatment, therefore multiple treatments are generally necessary for optimal results. The laser creates a beam of high-intensity light that penetrates deep into skin tissue where it delivers a controlled amount of therapeutic heat. This heat burns the hair and kills the hair follicle in its active growth phase contributing to your permanent hair reduction. Candela’s patented Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) technology protects the upper layers of your skin with a cooling burst of cryogen. The Laser focuses only on the hair follicles themselves, not the skin which makes the treatment totally safe for all skin types. Your treatment provider will review your risks and benefits during your consultation. You too can have smooth skin without the hassle of waxing, shaving, or using pricey creams that can be painful and leave behind irritation. Come see us today!

  • Once in the treatment room, our laser nurses will give you protective goggles and review your treatment area(s) and post-treatment instructions. The laser is then applied to the surface of the skin where a concentrated beam will target the underlying hair follicles. You may feel some discomfort during the actual zapping session which many people describe as a warm snap of a rubber band. After your treatment, skin can be red and bumpy for a few hours or days which is normal. The dead hairs purge or fall out over the course of several weeks after your session. After your treatment has concluded, you are free to go on about your day as you normally would. There is absolutely no downtime! It really is that simple.

  • The number of sessions depends on the treatment area and the condition of your skin. Most people require at least 4 or 5 treatments. We say on average expect to have between 4 and 7 treatments. It is imperative that all of your treatment sessions are spaced out between 4 and 6 weeks apart. The process of permanent hair reduction is only effective when the hair follicle is in its active growth phase. Once you have completed your treatment sessions, your hair should be much lighter in color, finer in texture and of course, much less in quantity.

  • Treatment times may vary from person to person depending on the area or areas being treated. Sessions can take between 15 minutes to an hour. After that, you are free to go on about your day as you normally would without worrying about any downtime.

  • If you are a person seeking to get rid of unwanted hair, it is likely that you are a great candidate. Call or email us today to set up a complimentary consultation with one of our nurse experts to customize your treatment plan.

  • Some patients may feel a slight discomfort with the laser pulse, sometimes described as the snapping of a rubber band on the skin. This discomfort is minimized by Candela’s DCD cooling system. For some patients, a topical anesthetic may be used prior to treatment. Be sure to discuss this with your practitioner at the time of your consultation.

  • Permanently reduce unwanted facial and body hair with laser hair removal. You will have smooth, hairless skin in a matter of months. When it comes to creating a treatment plan, Urban Allure encourages clients to share their history and any medical/surgical plans so that we may work with you to yield the safest and most effective outcome.

    • All treatments are performed by highly-trained Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners.

    • For clients preparing for phalloplasty or vaginoplasty, we can help you prepare by treating custom body areas based on the recommendations of your surgeon.

    • Comfortable Treatments. Unlike painful electrolysis, you’ll comfortably remove unwanted hair without having to let it grow out first. Laser treatments, on average, take less than 30 minutes while electrolysis typically takes several hours to complete.

    • Go With Confidence. Save time and stop worrying about shaving or tweezing before leaving the house. You’re always ready to go!

    Have unanswered questions about laser hair removal for transitioning? Our friendly, knowledgeable staff are happy to answer any questions you may have. Never worry about shaving or waxing again.

  • The Candela GentleMax Pro allows for safe and effective hair removal on all skin tones. Some hair removal methods are limited to light skin but our laser is precise enough to target the hair follicle and eliminate hair growth at the root without damaging the surface of the skin. Even the darkest of skin tones can be safely treated.

  • It’s a pretty common misconception that laser hair removal won’t work for people with darker skin tones. While this might have been true when the FDA first approved laser hair removal back in the late 90s, technology has advanced over the years in order to make it safe for even the darkest of skin tones.

    However, it’s important to mention that some places that advertise laser hair removal services are really using IPL or Intense Pulsed Light technology—the same outdated technology found in most at-home devices. This is not a real laser and should NEVER be used on darker skin tones! Not only does it offer inferior results, but for people of color it may lead to burns and complications.

    Our laser, the GentleMax Pro, provides the safest treatments for darker skin tones. It uses two lasers — one fair skin (Alexandrite) and one that’s for darker skin (Nd: Yag). The Nd: Yag technology has a weaker melanin absorption rate, and longer wavelengths which make it safe to use on dark skin tones.

    This combination of technologies allows our highly-trained medical professionals to create customized treatment plans to fit the exact needs of each client’s skin tone and hair type. With us, there’s no “one size fits all” when it comes to treatment plans. It’s this customization that enables us to safely and effectively perform laser hair removal on any skin tone—from the fair to the darkest.

  • You should NOT be tan! If you are tan and have a treatment scheduled, please call our office to reschedule your appointment for a time when your tan has faded completely. Patients scheduled for hair removal should avoid electrolysis, waxing and plucking for four weeks prior to treatment. If you have had a history of perioral herpes and are scheduled for a facial area treatment, prophylactic antiviral therapy may be recommended. Also, any hair should be shaved or trimmed prior to your appointment. Your skin should be thoroughly cleaned and dried, removing any makeup, cream, or oils on the surface before any laser treatment.

  • Your skin will be red, bumpy and rashy looking immediately after your laser hair removal treatment. It will also feel slightly sunburned. This redness lasts anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days. Do not scrub or rinse the treated areas with abrasive skin cleansers. Your practitioner may advise additional precautions depending on your treatment area. We encourage the use of ice, aloe vera gel and topical hydrocortisone cream post-treatment to help with redness and itching that may occur. All patients should avoid sun exposure before and after all laser treatments. The regular use of sunblock (SPF 30 or higher) is encouraged and highly recommended when going outdoors.

  • Yes, laser hair removal is completely safe and approved by the FDA for permanent hair reduction. Your risks are minimal. Side effects may include redness, bruising, blistering, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, and swelling in the treated area-these usually do not last for more than a few days. Permanent side effects, such as hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation or scarring, are rare.

  • Most insurance companies do not offer reimbursement for cosmetic procedures. Consult your insurance carrier for conclusive information.

  • No, in fact close to half of our clients are men!


What to Expect

The first step is your complimentary consultation.

During your consultation, one of our professionals will assess your hair and skin type. This will help determine how many treatments you’ll need. Once you determine to move forward, we will then start your treatment process that day or schedule it for a near future date.


You’ll need to avoid sun exposure for a minimum of four weeks prior to treatment.

You’ll be asked to shave within 24 hours of your appointment.

All makeup and skin products will be removed prior to treatment.


We will prep the treated area by drawing white lines exactly where the treatments will take place.

Treatments average just under 30 minutes.

Bring headphones or a book to pass the time.


We’ll apply an Aloe Vera gel to cool off the skin after treatment.

You’ll need to keep the treated area out of the sun for at least a week.

Treated hair may fall out 7-21 days after treatment.