Intense Pulsed Light 101


Whether it’s the case of a blemish here and there or a more complex issue, like rosacea, when it comes to our skin we all have at least one challenge. Unfortunately, while some over-the-counter products can help us make some headway, these products are often not potent enough to accomplish our appearance goals. At Urban Allure in San Francisco, CA, we know that intense pulsed light treatments are safe and effective – and can help you reach your aesthetic goals.

What Does IPL Laser Do?

IPL laser treatments are an advanced light-based energy treatment that can accomplish a variety of skin-related tasks. Broadly speaking, this treatment is used for skin rejuvenation, which means the core purpose of this treatment is to help restore a brighter, firmer, and more youthful appearance to your skin. As it is, this treatment can be used in a variety of ways for virtually every area of the face and even some smaller body areas.

At our clinic, we use the Ellipse I2PL system, which is one of the most advanced and diverse light energy treatments available to patients. The Ellipse I2PL system combines carefully curated wavelengths with expert device handling to restore the appearance of your skin and deliver true youthful radiance through the stimulation of collagen production. This IPL laser system can address skin concerns such as:

Superficial Concerns

Superficial skin concerns are those that occur only on the surface of the skin and do not affect deeper layers of the skin. Most of us have some type of superficial skin concern, such as easy redness of the skin or dry skin with uneven skin tone.

Superficial skin concerns can also refer to minor discoloration, such as from the use of irritating skincare products, or even blemishes from old skin injuries or unwanted freckles.


Anti-aging concerns generally refer to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles on the face, particularly around the eyes, nose, and mouth, although some fine lines on the forehead may be reduced with the Ellipse I2PL system.

The Ellipse I2PL system is actually somewhat unique among other similar light treatment devices since it can resolve the appearance of minor fine lines and even a moderate amount of skin laxity.

Sun Damage

Sun damage refers to skin cells that have been damaged by repeated unprotected exposure to UV rays. On the whole, UV rays can greatly damage the integrity of skin cells to make them weaker over time and more susceptible to forming dark spots, broken blood vessels, and age spots.

Sun damage can often be difficult to treat since some damage is more than superficial and requires deeper skin rejuvenation techniques.

Acne and Acne Scarring

Light energy treatments can be incredibly beneficial for those who suffer from chronic acne, hormonal acne, or acne scarring from earlier years in life. Both young adults and older adults can benefit from intense pulsed light acne treatment.

The light energy used in the Ellipse I2PL system is strong enough to kill acne-causing bacteria, which prevents future breakouts. This treatment can also be used to shrink enlarged pores and refine the appearance of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Hair Removal

This treatment can also be used for hair removal, both on the face and the body. Hair removal treatments are used to slow the hair growth process and essentially lessen the amount of hair that is grown on the body, which makes it easier to manage body hair. Hair removal treatments can also be used to treat and correct ingrown hairs.

How Does Intense Pulsed Light Work?

This treatment works by utilizing the power of light wavelengths and thermal energy to stimulate the body’s natural regenerative properties. The key to this treatment is the two-pronged approach to treating the skin. The Ellipse I2PL system stimulates collagen production within the skin and also accelerates your natural skin cell turnover cycle.

Through the stimulation of both of these skin functions, both the inside and the outside of the skin are treated and more comprehensive results can be achieved at one time. In a way, the fact that both collagen production and skin cell turnover are heightened by this treatment makes it a good all-in-one option for many patients with complex skin concerns.

Why Does Collagen Matter?

Collagen is a natural protein in your skin that is responsible for providing structural support to the skin. As we age, the amount of collagen we produce begins to decrease, and so does the structural integrity of our skin; at that point, when collagen production is low, fine lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity become visible.

By increasing collagen production with this treatment, you can reverse some visible signs of aging.

Why Does Skin Cell Turnover Matter?

Everybody has a natural skin cell turnover cycle, which usually lasts for 28 to 40 days. This cycle refers to the process of how old skin cells are shed and replaced with new skin cells. In general, the efficiency of our skin cell turnover cycle depletes as we age, which means we do not shed damaged skin cells as quickly.

This is typically why we see more age spots and sun damage as we get older. When this treatment increases the skin cell turnover cycle, the surface appearance of your skin will improve and become more radiant.

Why Do Different Wavelengths Matter?

The fact that this treatment uses different wavelengths is part of the reason why it’s so effective. Different light intensities affect the layers of our skin differently. While traditional laser treatments use one wavelength to address skin concerns, IPL laser treatment utilizes different wavelengths at varying levels of intensity to address issues on individual skin layers.

Using different wavelengths enables your treatment to be customized to your precise skin needs and goals.

Why Should You Choose This IPL Laser Treatment Over Traditional Lasers?

There’s no doubt that traditional laser treatments are highly effective for correcting a variety of skin concerns – so why should you use intense pulsed light instead?

The fact of the matter is that light-based treatments have many advantages that laser treatments do not, such as the ability to completely customize the treatment to your skin needs. Some other advantages of light treatments include:

More Diverse

Intense light treatments are much more diverse than laser treatments, largely because the variety of wavelengths used in the treatment technology can more easily address skin concerns. For example, treating acne and rosacea can’t easily be done with laser treatments because the intensity of the laser is too great.

Additionally, light-based treatments are also appropriate for moderate and mild skin concerns, while some laser treatments can only treat more advanced skin issues.

Gentler Treatment

Light-based treatments are also gentler on the skin because they do not harm the skin surface. While there are laser treatments that are non-ablative, sometimes these treatments are still too intense for those who have sensitive skin or who are at greater risk of hyperpigmentation.

The gentler treatment makes it easier for many patients to achieve their skin goals without being concerned about harming their skin.

Better Compatibility

Finally, the biggest advantage of light-based treatments is the fact that these treatments have better overall compatibility for people who have medium to dark complexions.

It’s often the case that traditional laser treatments can’t be used for those who have deeper complexions due to the increased risk of pigmentation. Light-energy based treatments, on the other hand, use wavelengths that will not cause pigmentation concerns.

What Should You Expect From Your IPL Laser Treatment?

Most people will require a series of two to five treatment sessions to see their desired results. For more complicated issues, such as chronic skin conditions, scarring, or deeper sun damage, you may need additional treatments to rejuvenate your skin appearance.

When Can You See Results?

You will start to see the results from your treatment several weeks after your first appointment. Your treatment appointments will usually be spaced about a month apart to give your skin adequate time to recover.

Many patients begin to see improvements in their skin after the first or second treatment. The results of your treatment will continue to improve over time.

Who Are Good Candidates for IPL Laser Treatments?

The vast majority of people seeking to improve the tone, texture, or quality of their skin are good candidates for this light-based treatment. Ideally, candidates should not be pregnant, breastfeeding, or prone to pigmentation concerns.

Is IPL Good for Your Skin?

IPL treatments utilizes light radiated from an IPL device to eliminate unwanted hair, freckles, wrinkles, and red veins. Unlike lasers, this treatment delivers multiple light wavelengths making it more efficient in treating larger areas within a short duration.

We utilize Ellipse 12PL pulsed light system, a unique filtering system that targets brown and red pigments. Ellipse 12PL is efficient and safe as it gives your handler several settings to make adjustments that are suitable for your skincare requirements. Your specialist controls the amount of light being delivered to the skin.

How Exactly Does IPL Treatment Work?

This treatment targets pigment cells as it enters the dermis. Thermal energy destroys unwanted pigment cells, thus clearing up acne, spots, and freckles from your skin. Ellipse 12PL efficiently treats several skin conditions simultaneously because it releases multiple wavelengths of light.

The intense heat from the 12PL device also destroys hair follicles to eliminate unwanted hair permanently. After treatment, you end up with toned and unblemished skin. The light energy causes no harm to the epidermis or tissue, which results in shorter recovery periods.

Do I Qualify for The IPL Treatment?

The IPL treatments best suits individuals who have a lighter complexion since melanin is responsible for absorbing light into your skin. We, therefore, discourage getting a skin tan prior to your session. However, the Eclipse 12PL technology has a unique setting for various complexions to ensure it delivers suitable energy for any skin condition you may have.

This treatment mainly focuses on treating conditions like:

  • Wrinkles

  • Freckles

  • Acne

  • Age spots

  • Red or brown spots

  • Skin discoloration


What Is the Recommended Number of Treatment Sessions?

We recommend at least three sessions spaced out a month apart for most skin conditions. Most sessions take half an hour, but this varies depending on the focused treatment area’s size. Intense pulsed light treatment requires regular follow-up sessions are required every year to help maintain the fantastic results.

What Precautions Should I Observe Before the Treatment?

We highly recommend you avoid tanning your skin before your treatment session. Tanning is detrimental because it causes the skin to absorb too much light. You should disclose skin problems that may influence your ability to heal after treatment with your specialist. You may also be required to stay away from specific medications and products.

Is This Treatment Painful?

With this treatment, you do not need to worry about feeling any pain. A cooling gel is used to help soothe the treatment area. Anesthetics are not required during the session because the IPL light tends to be a lot less concentrated than the single light beam from lasers.

Your specialist will adjust the IPL device settings based on your skin tone and the color of your hair. The specialist may start with low-intensity settings, especially when you are not accustomed to the treatment.

What Happens During Treatment?

The treatment area is first cleaned, and a cooling gel is rubbed onto the skin. Your treatment provider then delivers light energy to your skin using the Eclipse 12PL device. You will also be required to put on dark glasses that help protect your eyes from the light.

You can expect to spend at least twenty minutes to half an hour at our facility, although it could be longer contingent on the targeted treated area. If you want to get rid of unwanted hair, you may be required to attend anywhere between six to twelve sessions depending on the target area.

How Is Recovery?

Recovery is relatively fast. It may take a couple of days to recuperate from the treatment altogether. We recommend placing an ice pack on the area a couple of times post-treatment. As you recover, we recommend avoiding using lotion or applying make up to hasten the recovery process.

Also, use sunscreen anytime you are out in the sun. In case you have susceptible skin, use a cleanser to clean the area. A few days after your treatment session, the skin becomes clear and flawless.

How Long Should I Anticipate Treatment Outcomes to Last?

You will observe impressive results after your first session, although dramatic outcomes become apparent after subsequent treatment sessions. With proper care and by avoiding overexposing your skin to the sun, you can retain an unblemished and fresh look for years, although you may opt for touch-up sessions every year.

How Safe Is IPL Treatment?

We utilize Ellipse 12PL, which is extremely safe. The device emits harmless wavelengths and contains settings that are adjusted to treat your skin type. No aftercare is required after treatment, and you can carry on with your daily commitments immediately.

In case you would like to learn more about this efficient treatment, contact Urban Allure in San Francisco, CA, today. We are happy to answer any questions you may have concerning this treatment. We also have qualified professionals with IPL treatments experience who will help you eliminate bothersome acne, brown spots, or freckles to give your skin a glowing look.

Rejuvenate Your Skin With Intense Pulsed Light Treatments

Whether you have one skin concern or a couple that you can’t seem to solve by yourself, you should know that IPL  laser treatments are a good cosmetic treatment option for you. From sun damage to acne and acne scarring, intense pulsed light treatments are a diverse treatment that can tackle mild and moderate skin concerns. Please contact Urban Allure in San Francisco, CA to schedule your first consultation today.